A process of submitting your Website URL to subject related Directory like if your site is Travel Related you should Submit your site URL to Travel related directories sites for getting Back link from them.
Types of Directories: – There are basically three types of Directories Submissions
1. Paid or Featured Web Listing: – In this type of Directories Submission the owner of Directories Site Will Charge for Submission and your link will approved hand to hand or within 24 hours you will get fast back links from this type of submission. Some sites offer this package for yearly or lifetime.
2. Free or Regular Web Listing: – It is free for Directory Submission no one charge for free or regular submission but there is no guarantee for getting approved your link by Administrator and it will take lots of time.
3. Reciprocal Regular Web Listing: – In this a reciprocal link must be submit to your site when you activate Directory Link then Directory administrator will approve your link.
Automated Directory Submission: – In this way of submission many software and directories tools are used to submit directories it will save time and with the help of automated huge amount of submission done in short time.
Manually Directory Submission: – It is done by manually and it will take lots of time to do directory submissions.
Process of Directories Submissions
1. Open a Directory Site
2. Click on Submit Link
3. Choose your link type like Reciprocal Link Free, Regular Link Free and Featured Lifetime Link.
4. Fill up your Site Title
5. Fill up your Website URL
6. Fill up Owner Name
7. Fill up Owner E-mail id
8. Fill up if you Choose Reciprocal Link
9. Fill up Website Description
10. Choose Category related to your Site
11. Then Click on Submit Link
After that confirmation message will display for your submission and you will received a confirmation mail you must confirm it by clicking that link some sties send confirmation mail some doesn’t send it.